Harvard classics : with introduction and notes edited by Charles W.Eliot - Danbury,Connecticut Grolier Enterprises corporation c1980 - v. :front ; 22cm.

Contents : v.The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri:hell,purgatory,paredise.Translatrd by Henry F.Cary v.2 Plutarch's lives of Themistocles,pericles Aristides,Alcibiades and coriolanus,Demosthenes and cicero.Caesar and Antony.In the translation callled dryden's corrected and revised by Arthus Hugh Clough v.3.1 English poetry in three volume from Chaucer to Gray v.3.2 English poetry in three volume from Collins to Fitzgerald v.3.3 English poetry in three volume from Tennyson to Whitman v.4 The complete poems of John Milton v.5The Odyssey of Homer .Translated by S.H.Butcher and A. Lang v.6 Folk-lore and fables Aesop,Grimm and Aridersen v.7 The first part of the Delightful history of the most ingenious Knight Don Quixote of the Mancha by Migual de Cervantes.Translated by Thomas Shelton v.8 stories from the thousand and one nights(the Arabian nights entertainments).Translated by Edward William Lane .Revised by Stanley Lan-Poole v.9 The Pilgrim's progress by John.The lives of John Donne and George Herbert by Izaak Walton v.10 The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.The journal of the John Woolman Penn v.11 English essays from Sir Phillip Sidney to Mecualay v.12 Essays,civil and moral and the new Atlantis by Francis Bacon. .Areopagitica and Tractateon education by John Milton Religo Medici by sir Thomas Browne v.14 Prefaces and prologues to famous books v.15 The Appology pbaedo and criticism to plato .Translated by BanBenjamin Jowett.The Golden Sayings of Epictetus.Translated by Hastings Crossley.The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.Translated by George Long. v.16 The Prince by Nicoolo Machiavelli.Utopia by Sir Thomas More.Ninety five Theses address to the German Nobility concerning christian liberty by Martin Lother v.17. Edmund Burke on teste on the sublime and beautiful reflections on the French revolution.A letter to a Boble Lord v.18 Essays and english traits by Relph Waldo Emerson v.19 The origin of species by Charles Darwin v.20 The voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin v.21.1Sacred writing in two volumes.Confucian Habrew.Christian,part I v.21.2 Sacred writing in two volumes.Christian,part II,Buddhist,Hindu,Mohammedan v.22 American Historical documents 1000-1904

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